Friday, November 9, 2007

what is wrong with my child?

Sunday night Avery went to bed absolutely fine. Monday morning Marc woke her up and when she stood up, she fell over. She started crying that her knee hurt. Marc brought her downstairs and we decided it was actually her ankle. We gave her motrin and still she cried every time we looked at it. We thought she was making it up but that kid likes to move way to much to do this so long. And she had a small fever.

So, I wheeled her to the doc's. Of course ours wasn't there. Random dr was obviously worried that maybe the joint was infected. So, we headed down to have an x-ray taken, rather than bloodwork, just to rule that out. (Avery gets very anxious at dr, I think that's why we were waiting on bloodwork)

So, after we about traumatized her, we came home, had lunch, went up for nap. I went to get her around 3. She got up. Walked downstairs. She limped a little for like an hour but that was it. She went to gymnastics. She's absolutely fine. I called dr for answer. They actually said, it's a mystery. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?? At least give me growing pains or some stock answer like that.

So, what can I even do? I trust my dr and I'm sure she looked at it but...mystery??? What if she's missing something? How could she go from not being able to walk to fine in hours? Have you heard of anything like this?


mcw said...

have you ever injured something and then it seemed like it healed overnight? no explanation about how you did it, or what is causing it, or why it healed so quickly? same thing with kids, but if we weren't concerned, like you are, we wouldn't be very good parents, would we? good parents take their kids to the doctor, even if they know that the doctor doesn't have all of the answers. things just happen.

jen said...

you think she's fine? I do too. But man, that was scary.

Now she pretends that Jackson (her doll) fell out of bed and hurt his ankle...but it's better now. Stinker