Wednesday, November 7, 2007

nostalgia attack

It just hit me this weekend and about 10 photo albums later, I realized I'm pretty darn happy! I've been getting completely overwhelmed by the routine of every moment. It's been getting me a bit down. But looking at us BK (before kids) was such a great reminder of all that we've done together. It's sort of crazy to think that we've been together for about 1/3 of our lives. Even that seems overwhelming at times (Marc still hasn't learned how to get those clothes in the laundry basket...i'll never give up) but to actually look at our memories, wow, it's been a really good ten years.

Not that this is very interesting to anyone else but, too bad, it's my blog! Marc, wow. Pretty great.


amy said...

aw, this made me smile.

BUT MARC - for gosh sakes - dirty laundry = basket!

Marc said...

what algorithm is that?

(for gosh sakes) - (dirty laundry)= basket

who authored that?

what's the proof?

Marc said...

i would like to publicly thank Jen for not killing me.

i am a HUGE pain to live with...but i offset that by being i guess its a wash =)

that was a lot of fun(looking through the pictures...and i am not a picture guy)...we've been on quite a ride...and we're only 10 years in!