Friday, March 21, 2008

bike bike bike

I am SO excited! I've been wanting one since we moved here, where it's mostly safe to ride but of course we couldn't agree on what kind of bike...I wanted cheap, just in case it doesn't actually get used as much as it should and my last bike was purple and the kind where back-pedaling was your brake! And Marc wanted to get REAL bikes because you apparently just can't ride a cheap one. So we had yet another DISCUSSION because someday, spring might actually come. We wound up in the same place we always do

When Marc came home, he had a BIKE! It's so pretty! It has lots of things on it that I don't actually know how to use and I can't reach the floor (which I have been told is correct) so I'm a little scared but I can't wait! COME ON SNOW, IT'S TIME TO MELT!


petecobb99 said...

pretty soon you'll have one of those little trailers with the wee ones in it!

amy said...

i love your bike!!!