Wednesday, October 3, 2007

oooohhh fire

we have been stacking wood for at least a month! We bought 4 cords (I shouldn't admit that's all we got since it's taken so long!). It's been sitting on the edge of the driveway as close to the bulkhead as possible. We picked at it but you can't dump a load into the basement while the kids are sleeping if you want them to sleep. And it's not like we need it tomorrow...we don't want to waste the rest of this nice weather...hiking and fairs are much more fun!

Anyway, the pile is finally gone. So to celebrate we lit the wood stove! It was still like 60 degrees and we have monitor heaters too but we needed to enjoy the fruits of our labor! It was lovely! And I made stuffing, a nice mini-Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Marc said...

i just went outside...its cold enough with no sun - we're totally lighting another fire today